
Heart Beat Monitor

This project is maintained by java-embedded-challenge

Welcome to Heart of Glass.

This is a short video demonstrating how the app works :

I (@keilw) want to dedicate my contribution to this project especially to my late father. If what we demonstrated at JavaOne 2013 was widely used by healthcare providers already, my dad's life could have been extended. Like many people with heart problems he didn't even notice the first heart attack and was generally reluctant to see a doctor.

Telemedicine and Remote Monitoring of vital health signs can help such people to "remotely" visit a doctor saving them time and lowering the barrier for those who feel they are healthy anyway to still perform regular check-ups. Last but not least it helps often broke or troubled Healthcare Systems to save money and allow its staff to focus on acute cases.

Authors and Contributors

Dario Laverde (@dariol), Werner Keil (@keilw), Steven Lizarazo (@StevenLizarazo) and Timothy Fagan.